Expansion is A Must

Sometimes I have moments of frustration where I want to leave social media amd just stop doing business onlineI altogetherbecause people get it and sometimesthey dont

 I've literally  Lost Everything but my mind, Moved from Poverty to the Burbs, Watched my Daughter make Positive Career Moves. Support My spouse as he continuously Grows... See my extended Family expand 

YET.... Folks will WATCH me Work making Huge Leaps and YET STILL say Nothing about helping them get to their next goal. This is why Ibam frustrated and confused. Theres an old saying, dont watch ME, watch TV 🤣 Becuz At this point.... WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR HONEY?!?!?!  😆 Yes You! My Secret Watcher! 

If you are Not Excelling.... PLEASE dont stay around.. i just dont get it. And then thinking you seeing wealth from expensive restaurants & name brand clothes got Yall Weak. Lets talk 401, real estate, 6 figures Investments, etc. Thats where your money is.

LACK is contagious and we Must Speak Abundance & Walk in Greatness! 

There will be NO LACK from myself or the people who surround me... This will be my Promise... Or They will be Gone. 

Love Wins but Not If we Broke  & Not Trying to do Better. 

-The End 

Luv Yall ❤️ ✌🏻
